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Artificial chameleon tongue has bug-catching licked

By Paul Marks

13 April 2011

See more: our animated graphic showing the artificial tongue in action

FORGET flypaper – why not catch pesky bugs chameleon-style, with the flick of a robot tongue?

Alexis Debray, an engineer at Canon in Tokyo, Japan, has created an appendage that mimics the astonishing dexterity of the chameleon’s tongue. The firm is always looking for ways to make more efficient production-line robots, he says, and a device that mimics the chameleon’s tongue may hold promise for making delicate items like cameras.

The chameleon has evolved a sticky tongue that can snap out to about twice its body length at 10 metres per second, catching bugs by surprise. Even at such speeds, though, the lizard’s lightweight tongue exerts very little force on the target. That is critical, says herpetologist Ian Stephen at the Zoological Society of London, to enable the tongue to stick to the prey rather than send it flying.

The tongue is fired out by an “accelerator” muscle that catapults off a bony support (see diagram). When the tongue is at full stretch, a concertina-like muscle is used to rein it back in again, hopefully with dinner in its grasp.

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To mimic that process, Debray fixed a magnet representing the creature’s tongue tip to a stretchy silicone-based polymer, or elastomer, and a length of string. He fired the magnet at a target by passing a current through a coil, sending the elastomer and string “tongue” out 30 centimentres. A motor keeps tension on the apparatus, giving the magnet a light touch on the target. It then reels in the string to retract the whole assemblage (Biomimetics and Bioinspiration, DOI: 10.1088/1748-3182/6/2/026002).

“This could have several applications in robotic manipulation, perhaps moving objects on a production line,” says Debray. He also likes the idea of using his invention as a bug-catcher: “It is typically an application for which high acceleration and high velocity are needed – and that’s the strong point of these tongue-like manipulators,” he says.

To improve accuracy, Debray has fitted small wings to the magnet to keep it aloft longer on its journey. “In future, movable wings will allow control of the trajectory of the tongue, which is not possible now,” he says. A computer vision system that would allow his magnet to find its target is also in development, as is a gripper to grasp objects.

Having witnessed chameleons at work, Stephen thinks the manipulator has some way to go. “I struggle to see how they will get it to focus on [a target]. How will they judge distances? It all seems very far-fetched.”


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