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San Diego Zoo Global Academy

Enhanced Reporting Capabilities

Easy access to progress and compliance reporting is the backbone of any effective online learning system, and we are very pleased to introduce several new enhancements to the Academy reporting capabilities. Many institutions have now elected to launch privately branded sites for their institutions, which include the Animal Care Training Certificate Series courses and the courses dedicated to everything from leadership to safety, covering most of the training needs for the zoo and aquarium community. Each institution has different goals and requirements, and the new reporting features can now handle it all.

Reporting is important for regulatory compliance, reaching institutional goals of professional development, and safety training. Reporting is now simple and robust: administrators have the ability to access information such as who has taken a course, their mastery score, and what courses they have taken, as well as easily export any report to Excel or CSV for whatever purpose it is needed. Reports can be sent to any member of your team, including senior management, HR, or a supervisor interested in staff development.

Many institutions are now adopting the Academy platform to shape their employee onboarding and professional development training. Custom reporting allows them to take this process to the next level, creating specific reports that can be saved and run on a periodic basis. Whether for safety, customer service, or computer skills, supervisors have asked for the ability to report on the training progression within their teams. In annual reviews, they can assign courses they want employees to take and run reports to monitor progress. Group reporting also allows them to see all the training taken by anyone they manage.

These enhancements were a direct result of the feedback from many of our partner institutions and represent a leap forward in fulfilling many of these organization’s needs. If your goals are compliance and record keeping, professional development of the staff, increased safety, or consistent new employee onboarding, the Academy has the bases covered.

If you are interested in learning more about the new enhanced reporting features, please contact Jon Prange at jprange@sandiegozoo.org

Global Academy News

European Association of Zoos and Aquaria. EAZA AcademyPartner Spotlight

This month we are pleased to spotlight the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) as an Academy partner. We are excited to be an added resource for their programs as the EAZA Academy pursues their mission-related objectives. Please look for more news to follow as we share highlights of our collaboration.  

The San Diego Zoo Global Academy Welcomes the Potter Park Zoo!

The Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, Michigan has joined the Academy and will have two privately branded customized sites, one for their employees and one for their volunteers. Welcome!

The Next New Course Series From San Diego Zoo Global: Introduction to Animal Species

We are in the process of building out a new course series for the Academy! This series will provide an introduction to a variety of taxonomic groups and individual species, including an overview of physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, reproduction, and the conservation efforts dedicated to protecting these animals. The first course, now available, is Gorillas, with others coming soon. 

Learn more and view a sample of the Gorilla course

The Academy's Catalog of Courses Keeps Growing!

The Academy has been working with many institutions to understand the most important training and professional development needs within our industry. We are very pleased to announce the arrival of several hundred new courses that will be added to our growing library of effective learning. These courses cover a wide spectrum of topics throughout our institutions, from basic computer skills to management and leadership. Topic areas include: Employee Skills, Management and Leadership, Safety, and Software and Social Media. Some examples of the most important compliance courses are OSHA, PCI, and Harassment Prevention. These courses, available in your membership or privately branded institution site, provide professional development and allow a proactive plan for excellence in learning within your institution.

Helpful Hints for Branded Academy Sites

Want everyone to see what is going on this week/month?

Post it on the community calendar! Just click the events tab and then create an event. When people log in, the upcoming meeting or event will be right there for everyone to see.

Have questions regarding this hint?  Ask Stephanie Crise: scrise@sandiegozoo.org

Group Monitors

Need help keeping tabs on the discussions happening in your Volunteer Connection groups? Enlist the help of your wonderful volunteers! Create a quick job description listing expectations for group moderators and select people you know to be trustworthy, reliable, engaged, and who have a knack for accuracy and approved and appropriate information that can tactfully coach their peers. Then list them in bold in the group description so others are aware of their role, and they will happily keep you informed and keep their peer discussions on track.

Have questions regarding this hint?  Ask Tammy Rach, The Volunteer Connection: trach@sandiegozoo.org

Zoo & Conservation News Highlights

Scan through all of the Zoo & Conservation News compiled by the San Diego Zoo Global Library this week at the library website.

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San Diego Zoo Global Academy

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