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San Diego Zoo Global Wildlife Conservancy
Panda Cub in Good Health
August 29, 2012  

Panda Cub Weighs in at 704 Grams at First Exam

San Diego Zoo veterinarians got their first close look at Bai Yun's newest cub on August 23 and announced it weighed a healthy 1.5 pounds. (Photo by Ken Bohn)

Dear Friend,

Veterinarians hope to confirm the cub's sex during the next exam. (Photo by Ken Bohn)

There were a lot of smiling faces at the San Diego Zoo on Sunday afternoon, July 29, when Bai Yun gave birth to her sixth cub. Because giant pandas are an endangered species, it's true that every birth is significant and precious, yet the story behind panda reproduction is one of amazing reversals. In the 1990s, many believed that pandas were on their way to extinction: loss of critical habitat made it harder for pandas to cross paths in the wild, while low pregnancy rates and low survival rates for cubs in zoos seemed to doom the species. Everything changed when a group of determined and optimistic researchers from the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research partnered with Chinese biologists at panda breeding centers and did the hard work needed to find solutions. New technologies helped them develop early pregnancy detection tests using hormone analysis and ultrasound exams, while a new milk formula created by San Diego Zoo nutritionists helped young cubs survive and thrive. Along the way, they also learned about panda communication using scent marks and maternal care for cubs. In 1999, we welcomed Bai Yun's first cub, Hua Mei, at the San Diego Zoo, and those early photos still keep us smiling.

Read More: Panda Cub's First Exam

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Best regards,
San Diego Zoo Global Wildlife Conservancy Team

Zebras: It's in the Stripes


It's in the Stripes

Ever wonder why zebras have that characteristic black-and-white pattern? Dena Emmerson, biomimicry research assistant at San Diego Zoo Global, takes a look at two theories that may explain what makes their stripes so important.

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Adoption Special: Bai Yun and Cub

Adoption Special:

Bai Yun and Cub

Celebrate the birth of Bai Yun's sixth cub by adopting a giant panda! Our special package includes a personalized adoption certificate, animal fact sheet, 4x6-inch photo, and large panda plush. Proceeds support our wildlife conservation efforts and enrichment program.

Adopt Today

Condor Chick Update: Fledged!

Condor Chick Update:


On August 19, after several days of walking around the pen, splashing in the pool, climbing in the olive tree, and starting to pick at food on his own, 163-day-old Saticoy took the next step and fledged! Senior keeper Ron Webb shares the full story in his latest blog.

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