San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Academy Newsletter

December 2024


Getting Better All the Time

Preparing an Inspection Checklist

By James F. Gesualdi

Preparing an inspection checklist well in advance of an Animal Welfare Act (AWA) inspection improves wildlife well-being, empowers staff, promotes excellence, builds a strong compliance record, fosters goodwill, and upholds the public trust. It is one thing you can do to make the lives of wildlife better and make you and your organization look good, demonstrating that you are thoughtful, responsible, well-prepared professionals who are doing the right thing.

Putting in the effort to prepare for AWA inspections is a worthy investment of your time and a way to further empower and develop staff and build a better working relationship with your inspector. Your checklist is a record of where you are and where your organization is heading. It is a well-thought-out game plan for a successful inspection that makes the most of your exchanges with your inspector—and fosters continuous improvement.


Going the Extra Mile for Wildlife and Others During the Holidays—and Every Day

By James F. Gesualdi

Another holiday season is here. The season brings a frenzy of activity, thoughts, and sometimes stress. Marking the holidays we celebrate provides a break of sorts for most of us, but perhaps a bit less so for caregivers who are helping wildlife through a moment or day that changes their life for the better.

When this commitment and dedication is manifested in the everyday good practice of doing a bit more or going the extra mile, challenges are things we encounter more constructively and effectively. Doing so makes our lives better and the lives of wildlife better—all by just going a little further to make a difference. Likewise, during the holidays, going a little further in giving of ourselves and being present is an excellent way to celebrate.


Academy News

Genesee Career Institute

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Academy Puts Genesee Career Institute in the Spotlight

The Genesee Career Institute is part of the Academy’s collaborative learning environment.

Visit their website >

Safe Capture

The Academy’s Safe Capture program offers in-person, virtual, and e-learning training for the chemical immobilization and anesthesia of domestic and wildlife species. Learn more about Safe Capture Training.

News from Recent Safe Capture Training Events

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our September and October training events in Texas, Oregon, and Wisconsin. These events drew enthusiastic participants from around the U.S., including veterinarians, wildlife biologists, students, and other domestic animal and wildlife management specialists. We are so glad you could join us!

Upcoming Safe Capture In-Person Training Events

Registration is now open for the following Academy Safe Capture in-person events:

California (Escondido): January 22–23, 2025: This event is being hosted at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and is open to all participants.

Georgia (Athens): February 15–16, 2025: This event is being hosted by the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine and is open to all participants.

Missouri (St. Joseph): March 17–18, 2025: This event is being hosted by Missouri Western State University and is open to all participants.


CE credits approved by the following organizations

For more information, or to register for these events, please visit the Safe Capture Website.

Academy Support and Information


For more information about the Academy, or if you need customer support, please send us an email at

Interested in Joining the Academy?

Individual, group, and institution rates are available. Please contact

To view archived Academy Newsletters, visit our archive page.

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San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is an international conservation nonprofit and a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID# 95-1648219. With more than 100 years of wildlife care expertise and partnerships around the globe, we are saving, protecting, and caring for species worldwide.
We are building an alliance for wildlife, we just need you.

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